Gold Creek Pond FAQ

What will happen to the recreational opportunities around Gold Creek Pond?

As a community-based conservation organization, we live and recreate in the same places we work. It’s our goal for this project to enhance recreation around the pond. Recreational designs will be incorporated into each restoration alternative analyzed in the NEPA process. Whichever alternative is selected will include ADA accessible trails and remain a family-friendly

2019-03-27T21:42:46-07:00March 11th, 2019|, |

What is the role of climate change on dewatering?

We see the effects of climate change across Washington State in a number of ways. At Gold Creek, these impacts do contribute to dewatering. Weather and climate, primarily winter snowpack levels and summer thunderstorms, influence both the timing and duration of dewatering in the creek. Climate change models predict the Gold Creek watershed will

2019-03-11T21:07:43-07:00March 11th, 2019||

Where did this project come from?

The need for this work was identified by the bull trout experts! The Bull Trout Working Group was formed in 2002. It is comprised of partners and experts working to conserve bull trout in the Yakima Basin. In 2012, the Bull Trout Working Group developed the Bull Trout Action Plan, which identified actions

2020-11-05T00:10:09-08:00March 11th, 2019|, |

What is the problem in Gold Creek Valley?

The problem surrounds protecting bull trout, which are on the verge of disappearing from the Upper Yakima Basin. Gold Creek is home to one of just three remaining populations of bull trout in the upper Yakima Basin. Bull trout are listed as “threatened” on the Endangered Species List, and are a priority for protection

2019-03-25T20:45:54-07:00March 11th, 2019||
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