Preserving the Forests and Rivers of the Upper Yakima River Basin
Kittitas Conservation Trust has a wide range of projects all over Kittitas County. Whether it is restoring landscapes, conserving critical habitat, removing fish passage barriers or stewarding our lands, we stay busy. Check out the map below to explore our past, present and future projects.
- Display:
Habitat Restoration
Land Conservation / Protection
Outreach / Education
- Box Canyon Large Wood Replenishment
- Cle Elum River Cooper Bridge Restoration
- Cottonwood Cove
- Currier/Reecer Creek Barrier Removal and Revegetation Project
- Eagle Bend Property
- Gold Creek Valley Restoration Project
- Hanson Ponds Restoration Project
- Holmes Property Acquisition
- Hundley Property Conservation Easement
- Indian Creek Ground Water Monitoring
- Lower Cle Elum River Restoration Project
- Nelson Creek Passage Restoration Project
- Suncadia Property Conservation Easements
- Swamp Lake Forest Acquisition
- Swauk Creek Instream & Riparian Project
- Taneum Creek Fish Passage Project
- Tillman Creek Flow Augmentation
- Upper Kachess River Restoration
- Upper Yakima River Restoration Project
- Williams Creek Aquatic Restoration
Our Partners
Our partners are part of what enable our success in conservation and restoration. Below are some of the organizations helping us get meaningful work done on the ground.