Fish and Wildlife

Out With The Old, and In With The… Nothing?

Fish passage barrier is anything that inhibits fish, from adults to small fry, from moving up or down stream. As you can imagine, they come in all shapes in sizes. On this project, the barrier came in the shape of a ford. Working with our partners, we were able to remove this barrier and

2019-05-22T21:36:20-07:00May 22nd, 2019|Fish and Wildlife, Fish Passage Improvements|

Gold Creek Pond Restoration FAQ

Gold Creek once was home to a thriving population of bull trout and salmon. However, today salmon no longer live here and bull trout numbers are rapidly dwindling. The past 5 years we and our partners have collected data in Gold Creek Valley to understand the causes of bull trout decline and what actions

Gold Creek Pond: Changing the Dynamics of a Watershed

We're sure you are familiar with flying drones, but have you heard of a floating drone? As part of the Gold Creek Restoration Project we used a boat drone to gather the floor topography (bathymetry) of Gold Creek Pond. Why do we need to know that? We will be using data such as floor depth

2018-12-03T23:08:13-08:00December 3rd, 2018|Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Restoration|

River Detectives: Trying to Solve the Mysteries of Kachess

We spent some days in October in the field with Inter-Fluve to collect information on the upper Kachess River. Our staff conducted survey work, gathered GPS points, took flow measurements, conducted gravel counts and collected stream bed samples. We also gathered LiDAR data that will be used in conjunction with the data collected on

2019-01-09T06:11:12-08:00October 23rd, 2018|Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Restoration|

Tis the Season for Salmon Spawning!

Starting in September, a stroll across Cooper Bridge off Highway 903 will reveal lots of spawning sockeye salmon. These fish, which used to run up to the Cle Elum River every year in the tens of thousands have only recently returned to these waters. Prior to 2009, they had been missing from the river and

2019-01-09T17:37:47-08:00October 1st, 2018|Fish and Wildlife|

Cougar Gulch – Protecting Fish and Roads

Through the end of September, we will be working on a fish habitat project. The project will replace two culverts located in Cougar Gulch near Liberty, WA. This relatively small project will benefit fish by removing culverts that are too small for the stream at higher flows. Furthermore, the project will ensure the longevity of

2020-01-06T17:00:32-08:00September 17th, 2018|Fish and Wildlife, Fish Passage Improvements, Habitat Restoration|

Bull Trout in the Food Web

By the time they are adults, bull trout can measure over 2 feet in length and weight over 20 pounds. Their large size lends itself to them being the apex predator in lake and river ecosystems. However, as young fish they are an important part of the food chain as prey. Bull trout begin their

2019-01-09T18:24:14-08:00September 4th, 2018|Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Restoration|

Biologists Rescue Stranded Bull Trout in Kachess River

Team of Biologist Rescue Stranded Fish In Kachess River The Daily Record wrote a great story about the efforts of KCT and our partners to keep bull trout from disappearing from the upper Yakima River Basin. Only three populations remain in the upper Yakima River Basin, one of which is located in the Kachess watershed.

2019-01-09T16:58:17-08:00August 6th, 2018|Fish and Wildlife|

Protecting Bull Trout in the Upper Yakima River Basin

Kittitas Conservation Trust (KCT) is working hard to protect bull trout! They are important for maintaining the unique ecosystem of the upper Yakima River basin and are a primary indicator of climate change impacts – a canary in the coal mine. Bull trout are currently listed as threatened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Location

2019-01-08T19:49:48-08:00July 9th, 2018|Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Restoration|
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