Cottonwood Cove Property
This project protects 15 acres of pristine floodplain forests and wetlands on the mainstem Yakima River. Preserving this land protects habitat for juvenile and adult native fish including ESA-listed Mid-Columbia Steelhead, Spring Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye. The property has high-functioning wetlands and old-growth cottonwood and aspen tree stands. The property contains approximately 700 feet of Yakima River frontage, 795 feet of perennial side channel, and 1,200 feet of seasonal side channels. The project is part of a greater partner strategy by the Yakama Nation, Bonneville Power Administration, and KCT to protect high-quality riparian habitat on mainstem rivers.
KCT is also working with the City of Cle Elum and other stakeholders to assess and develop conceptual designs for improving habitat at Hanson Ponds, which is located on the Yakima River across from the Cottonwood Cove property. This acquisition increases the available restoration opportunities for the Hanson Pond Project. Acquisitions like this are highlighted in the 2009 Yakima Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan and are on the TAG Focused Projects List.
For more information on the project, you can visit the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office’s Project Snapshot:
Project Details
Date Completed
March 2022
General Area
Yakima River South of Hanson Ponds
Preserves pristine floodplain habitat